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Codice annuncio1205174904
Inserito il1737099669106
Issogne (Aosta)
AERAULIC SEPARATOR for labels, dust,.. max 1.000 kg/h in vendita - foto 1

AERAULIC SEPARATOR for labels, dust,.. max 1.000 kg/h

AERAULIC SEPARATION SYSTEM for labels, dust, light weight contamination on flakes, granules and regrinds For a capacity max 1.800 kg/h depending on material constructed in painted steel + galvanized steel elements Complete system with Ø 160 mm.pipes, curves, clamps, cyclone, hoppers, sleeve Central body, lower and upper hoppers, bolted hatch for cleaning purposes 0.37 Kw 4-pole motor Reducer, regulation valve Complete with 0.75 Kw vent. Complete with big bag supporting structure. Possible addition of weighing system For higher capacity, see ref. GE461 You are welcome to send a product sample to evaluate the best solution.


  • Tipologia inserzionista

  • Inserzionista
    Paolo Ramella German

  • Comune inserzionista
    Issogne (AO)

  • Marca

  • Modello
    AERAULIC SEPARATOR for labels, dust,.. max 1.000 kg/h

  • Anno


  • Posizione bene
    Italia, Issogne - Aosta
  • Devi per poter visualizzare la posizione sulla mappa.

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Paolo Ramella German
